Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My Small Project on Handkerchiefs

Awhile ago in Spring or Winter 2015 I did have a small project that I did that involved sowing handkerchiefs - if you have never made one, here is my DIY of what I have made.

I don't have the best camera, but basically.

1. Choose a cloth you want to make the handkerchief from.

2. Cut the size of handkerchief you would like.
(In my pictures I made mine more dainty - I am female. If you are male, your handkerchief will normally rectangle shaped, much wider and less feminine. Unless they go in the breast pocket of your coat,or blazer, in that case you would go for a round square shape, and what you may like to do before you sow the edges, is fold it in fourths, then cut the edge so that it resembles a sort of petal shaped edge, then you want to sow the edges you have cut.)
<  If you want to have an example of this I will make another tutorial

3. You either sow a back to the handkerchief or sow the edges. If your fabric is pretty soft then I would just sow the edges to finish off the handkerchief, otherwise the easiest way to make a second side to this is to sow it like you would a very simple pillow case, then finish it off with a ladder stitch if you would like to hide your stitching. (Using a thread that matches the fabric.)

Many basic stitch examples have been placed on YouTube! One I have used that has the ladder stitch in it is shown here at time: 1:46 min. (Link Below)

Here is the link of pictures with the handkerchiefs I made:


Happy Crafting!

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