Friday, August 19, 2011

Alright! Side Projects!!! :D

Kosupure Club/Ai Cosplay Club will be working on a commercial together!  We'll probably get some practice with the acting in front of the camera by doing skits, but I and the others will be inputting some stopmo and hopefully other forms of video animation like (what was it?  Silhouette-mation?)  Hopefully we'll get good stuff to put on our demo reels!

Stephanie Leyva, Ana Barrerra, me, Jordan Quispe, and Kristal Atkins (graphic design), will be working on a different video.  We have the story line down and will start practicing with some things (pvc pipe, pole/solid wood broomstick, butterfly knives), and hopefully in a year we hope to have something for the Dam Short Film Festival. (Which, I'm sure Tymothy Salmon will have something for-maybe-he usually does a lot of film stuff-that guy's so busy!)

Fun stuff!

On another note, I'm working character sheets for a different club dealing with comics!!!  :D  Yayyyyy... :p

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