Tuesday, August 9, 2011

About the Chrysalis

My high school had a magazine called the Chrysalis, every single year students would make submissions about whatever poetry, short story, short comic, drawing, or photograph they wanted to put into the magazine.  Ever since I left high school and have come to this school I've wondered why our college doesn't have something like that, it's hard to get hyped up about nothing, though, and I figured, putting up photo images of the 3 high school magazines I have up somehow would help expand the minds of the students at school.  I'm not sure it'll work, but I would really love to see a magazine like that go up, I think our school's students need it, actually.  Also, there could be awards-the cover designer that designed the cover for the cover of my high school was high school student artwork-it got picked out of a series of other design covers, and this was done every single year.  Maybe we could incorporate something at the Art Institute that my high school did with their fine arts dessert night-letting students that win work with a graphic designer.

I hope that someday within the next couple of years we can get something like this started.  It seems like something that would benefit the students a lot, it would be a college magazine.

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