Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Birthday Presents

When you're normally crafty self can make presents for people on birthdays and holidays - usually you try to.

It gets hard to meet the demands of the art muse let alone when you get a hankering to want to make something for a lot of people on a monthly basis. Let's face it, there's a ton of holidays, and a ton of people, yes - not everyone has a large clique, but yet - there are plenty of times to go and surprise people with lots of nice things.

Most especially something you have done yourself.

Recently, I have been thinking of doing an art challenge with cheap art supplies. (Why can't you make good art with cheap supplies?) My prismacolor premier art pens are getting old, so I have been making drawings with them as much as possible, and when I went to Florida, I didn't have my prismacolor colored pencils, so I made use of sharpies, but - I did go to the art store with one of my cousins and got a cheap set of colored pencils.

I had originally thought to use turpentine to make it easier to blend the colored pencils with. But I decided not to use it.

This piece I had intended to give to several people, and it never got finished - 'til now. So, whenever it gets to my friend I hope she will be happy.

Unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture of the watercolor I made of the Elementalist - Water Form - Lux flying through the air over water, field, and forest, so I don't have a picture of that. Nor do I have the finished picture of what I had colored with the cheap colored pencils, but at least I have a picture with the Elf Goddess drawing mostly colored in.

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