There comes a time when you look at everything that you've built and you ask yourself what you value in those things. . .This is quite vague, so to put this a bit more concisely:
I had to ask myself what the point of my blogs and some of my links or pages were. Cross platform, not everyone checks the same social media outlets, but t.b.h - studying everyone who is successful at social media atm and I've noticed this. . .
While they may share the same things cross platform, they really only share one line about it. They create a different type of post and keep it short, simple.
I've never been the kind of person to do that - I like describing too much! My problem, not yours, so - what to do?
Well! It has been awhile since I have written ANYTHING on this thing. There was a lot of self reflection, a lot of practice made towards a medium I have been wanting to break into for years. . .STILL. Abandoning other mediums I was taught about has proven to be a tad detrimental to my array of skill sets, So - again, the necessity to make my pieces is more important than ever. . .
In my headspace these are the things I have always wanted to work towards. . .Unfortunately it takes money to make money and if I had enough of it I would have had more things out.
So, here is my first post in years. . .I hope you check out the link to my newest piece and that you like what you see - it's a personal one:
Loving Father
Crystal Moreno
The goal remains the same: To blog about the projects that are currently being worked on. About the website: Originally called Tea with the intention of having something for those enjoying their coffee, or "tea," at a random coffee shop, this blog was made to be colored with Green Tea in mind, however the theme then became my Blue Iris Ice Dragon theme, and then after that to Ice Tea, now this. Much cleaner if you ask me. . . ~CM
Monday, September 30, 2019
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Birthday Presents
When you're normally crafty self can make presents for people on birthdays and holidays - usually you try to.
It gets hard to meet the demands of the art muse let alone when you get a hankering to want to make something for a lot of people on a monthly basis. Let's face it, there's a ton of holidays, and a ton of people, yes - not everyone has a large clique, but yet - there are plenty of times to go and surprise people with lots of nice things.
Most especially something you have done yourself.
Recently, I have been thinking of doing an art challenge with cheap art supplies. (Why can't you make good art with cheap supplies?) My prismacolor premier art pens are getting old, so I have been making drawings with them as much as possible, and when I went to Florida, I didn't have my prismacolor colored pencils, so I made use of sharpies, but - I did go to the art store with one of my cousins and got a cheap set of colored pencils.
I had originally thought to use turpentine to make it easier to blend the colored pencils with. But I decided not to use it.
This piece I had intended to give to several people, and it never got finished - 'til now. So, whenever it gets to my friend I hope she will be happy.
Unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture of the watercolor I made of the Elementalist - Water Form - Lux flying through the air over water, field, and forest, so I don't have a picture of that. Nor do I have the finished picture of what I had colored with the cheap colored pencils, but at least I have a picture with the Elf Goddess drawing mostly colored in.
It gets hard to meet the demands of the art muse let alone when you get a hankering to want to make something for a lot of people on a monthly basis. Let's face it, there's a ton of holidays, and a ton of people, yes - not everyone has a large clique, but yet - there are plenty of times to go and surprise people with lots of nice things.
Most especially something you have done yourself.
Recently, I have been thinking of doing an art challenge with cheap art supplies. (Why can't you make good art with cheap supplies?) My prismacolor premier art pens are getting old, so I have been making drawings with them as much as possible, and when I went to Florida, I didn't have my prismacolor colored pencils, so I made use of sharpies, but - I did go to the art store with one of my cousins and got a cheap set of colored pencils.
I had originally thought to use turpentine to make it easier to blend the colored pencils with. But I decided not to use it.
This piece I had intended to give to several people, and it never got finished - 'til now. So, whenever it gets to my friend I hope she will be happy.
Unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture of the watercolor I made of the Elementalist - Water Form - Lux flying through the air over water, field, and forest, so I don't have a picture of that. Nor do I have the finished picture of what I had colored with the cheap colored pencils, but at least I have a picture with the Elf Goddess drawing mostly colored in.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Craft Projects: Shoes
Hello guys,
Long time no post! I know it has been a year since you have heard from me, I have been busy posting up more on Instagram! If you would like to follow me there, just know it's more of my "Un-professional" or "laid back" links.
Here are some pictures of craft projects that I have been working on - I will post links of how I made them which will include HD Time Lapse videos of myself working on them.
(*Please note that the third pair of shoes was entirely by commission request and that my original artwork was featured on my first pair and second pair of shoes.):
Long time no post! I know it has been a year since you have heard from me, I have been busy posting up more on Instagram! If you would like to follow me there, just know it's more of my "Un-professional" or "laid back" links.
Here are some pictures of craft projects that I have been working on - I will post links of how I made them which will include HD Time Lapse videos of myself working on them.
(*Please note that the third pair of shoes was entirely by commission request and that my original artwork was featured on my first pair and second pair of shoes.):
These are the links to the videos I took of my first pair of shoes:
Shoe Project - Fin? 1
First Shoe Project Fin? Vid 2
1st Shoe 3 - The 2 Month Update
2nd Shoe 1 - For Cheetah:
2nd Shoe 2 - For Cheetah:
Shoe Project 3 - Family Projects 2016 Pt. 1:
Shoe Project 3 - Family Projects 2016 Pt. 2
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
My Small Project on Handkerchiefs
Awhile ago in Spring or Winter 2015 I did have a small project that I did that involved sowing handkerchiefs - if you have never made one, here is my DIY of what I have made.
I don't have the best camera, but basically.
1. Choose a cloth you want to make the handkerchief from.
2. Cut the size of handkerchief you would like.
(In my pictures I made mine more dainty - I am female. If you are male, your handkerchief will normally rectangle shaped, much wider and less feminine. Unless they go in the breast pocket of your coat,or blazer, in that case you would go for a round square shape, and what you may like to do before you sow the edges, is fold it in fourths, then cut the edge so that it resembles a sort of petal shaped edge, then you want to sow the edges you have cut.)
< If you want to have an example of this I will make another tutorial
3. You either sow a back to the handkerchief or sow the edges. If your fabric is pretty soft then I would just sow the edges to finish off the handkerchief, otherwise the easiest way to make a second side to this is to sow it like you would a very simple pillow case, then finish it off with a ladder stitch if you would like to hide your stitching. (Using a thread that matches the fabric.)
Many basic stitch examples have been placed on YouTube! One I have used that has the ladder stitch in it is shown here at time: 1:46 min. (Link Below)
Here is the link of pictures with the handkerchiefs I made:;FfETj5~_XkMrIsexjBpm0MKpjMcS2tdxfeH4d~;W3VAnIwjEDs~-.bps.a.939270556143434.1073741839.455152917888536/939277826142707/?type=3&theater
Happy Crafting!
I don't have the best camera, but basically.
1. Choose a cloth you want to make the handkerchief from.
2. Cut the size of handkerchief you would like.
(In my pictures I made mine more dainty - I am female. If you are male, your handkerchief will normally rectangle shaped, much wider and less feminine. Unless they go in the breast pocket of your coat,or blazer, in that case you would go for a round square shape, and what you may like to do before you sow the edges, is fold it in fourths, then cut the edge so that it resembles a sort of petal shaped edge, then you want to sow the edges you have cut.)
< If you want to have an example of this I will make another tutorial
3. You either sow a back to the handkerchief or sow the edges. If your fabric is pretty soft then I would just sow the edges to finish off the handkerchief, otherwise the easiest way to make a second side to this is to sow it like you would a very simple pillow case, then finish it off with a ladder stitch if you would like to hide your stitching. (Using a thread that matches the fabric.)
Many basic stitch examples have been placed on YouTube! One I have used that has the ladder stitch in it is shown here at time: 1:46 min. (Link Below)
Here is the link of pictures with the handkerchiefs I made:;FfETj5~_XkMrIsexjBpm0MKpjMcS2tdxfeH4d~;W3VAnIwjEDs~-.bps.a.939270556143434.1073741839.455152917888536/939277826142707/?type=3&theater
Happy Crafting!
DIY Projects: The Jewelry Box Book Pt. 2!
I have always wanted to make something that displayed my larger necklaces. The
pages are not entirely filled, but eventually they will be. For now, it is nice to be
able to display these things like this.
Final thoughts:
Sheer Cloth with Velcro?
Clear Plastic sheet material with Velcro?
The necklaces are very heavy and have trouble staying in place when I turn the
pages, though in the future I want to be able to show others around me in person
the book, so I will be looking into that.
I will post a bigger picture of it on my professional facebook for your viewing.
Thanks for looking into another one of my creations!
P.S Here is the bigger picture of Pt. 1
And the video:
Monday, October 12, 2015
New Short Story
Because of security I thought I would try out Deviantart .StashWriter for a short story.
As I've said before, I don't think sharing what I've written is a problem, it's more about people taking work and telling others they made it that bothers me, but that I love sharing and I think it is one of the best ways to get your stuff out there for others to enjoy.
I hope you will enjoy this short story about an orphan girl. I wrote it on the inspiration I got from watching Pan, though I've read several stories and watched a couple movies about orphans, the movie was such a happy one I wanted to write a short story.
Here's the link:
Happy reading and thanks! Let me know if you see any errors. My writing is just a little rusty.
As I've said before, I don't think sharing what I've written is a problem, it's more about people taking work and telling others they made it that bothers me, but that I love sharing and I think it is one of the best ways to get your stuff out there for others to enjoy.
I hope you will enjoy this short story about an orphan girl. I wrote it on the inspiration I got from watching Pan, though I've read several stories and watched a couple movies about orphans, the movie was such a happy one I wanted to write a short story.
Here's the link:
Happy reading and thanks! Let me know if you see any errors. My writing is just a little rusty.
Monday, October 5, 2015
DIY Projects Pt. 1
I decided to use this blog to show case some of the other stuff I am doing on the side of straight up traditional, digital, media since I like to do arts and crafts as well and as of recently the ones I have been making have been much more successful than past projects.
I have finished a couple of DIY projects! Here are some pictures of the one(s?) I have finished so far, (and then below that picture I will be posting a picture of what I am currently working on):
This is a pillow case I hand - sew.
This is a dress I hand - sew. AND it's a good example of
using up materials since I used part of the scraps to add
some color to my pillow case.
This is what I am currently working on.
A large jewelry box that will have a book to feature the
pins I have gotten from the button pin contest, pins from cons,
other events, and my larger jewelry that will not fit in
normal jewelry boxes and are better off displayed if not
worn often.
(Front back, back compartment, and then buttons on corkboard if you have trouble following the numbers.)
Thanks for waiting! I will finish off the jewelry box project with Pt. 2!
Monday, September 14, 2015
Writing. . .
I have always wanted to post a blog where I can put my writing. However, I have mixed feelings on that since content is always shared and I have yet to get all the ideas for my different stories in an actual book format. So, having a writing blog is a sort of un-familiar territory I am slowly checking into.
I think sharing is a great way to get things to many people. That's why I periodically post things, though some find it easier to do it every day, I found that sometimes I just don't have enough content to be posting every day unless I am sharing something of someone else's on my website.
Something like "sharing everything" with everyone is usually found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumbler. Although exciting - to me at least - it somewhat does not fit where a person's personal work should go.
Researching into how to attract flies and audiences is therefore spurring me even if it might take me yet another decade to figure out what I need to do what I've wanted to do the previous decade and a half before.
I hope one day there will be some secure website much like fan-fiction and the older Quizilla where I can post my own stories without fear of my work being ripped from my hands and claimed as someone else's, but for now I shall learn how to do it the better way.
~ Cheers and good luck!
I think sharing is a great way to get things to many people. That's why I periodically post things, though some find it easier to do it every day, I found that sometimes I just don't have enough content to be posting every day unless I am sharing something of someone else's on my website.
Something like "sharing everything" with everyone is usually found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumbler. Although exciting - to me at least - it somewhat does not fit where a person's personal work should go.
Researching into how to attract flies and audiences is therefore spurring me even if it might take me yet another decade to figure out what I need to do what I've wanted to do the previous decade and a half before.
I hope one day there will be some secure website much like fan-fiction and the older Quizilla where I can post my own stories without fear of my work being ripped from my hands and claimed as someone else's, but for now I shall learn how to do it the better way.
~ Cheers and good luck!
- CM -
P.S - Look for the DIY project pictures in a couple of weeks to see what I have been up to. Many thanks as always.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
More Charcoal Drawings Still to Be Posted. . .
So, I was able to finally put up the drawing of the Tardis I made for my best friends birthday. If you would like to see that here is the link:
Doctor Who Tardis
I will be putting up another drawing soon since I was able to complete another drawing.
Also, I will be able to post a picture of my button pin up too - with me holding it.
Hopefully, I will have a quality picture to show.
Anything else new? Not quite. . .Just working on a lot of projects.
Doctor Who Tardis
I will be putting up another drawing soon since I was able to complete another drawing.
Also, I will be able to post a picture of my button pin up too - with me holding it.
Hopefully, I will have a quality picture to show.
Anything else new? Not quite. . .Just working on a lot of projects.
Friday, June 12, 2015
What's up Blu3Typh00n?
This is one vlog from my YouTube channel. I suppose lately no one has been looking at that either. So, for those of you that would like to keep up with anything that I am doing - check out my unprofessional YouTube profile, as I post more often on that than my professional YouTube channel.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Updating Galleries
So, updating galleries on my website is somewhat slow going for me since I normally post works that aren't so well made on a normal basis, BUT - I have finally made a piece that I think is fully worthy of going on my website now and maybe once I get done with the others I will be able to even up the amount of images I have on my Digital Drawings gallery with my Traditional drawings!
Links to the new drawing here:!traditional/c1co0
Links to the new drawing here:!traditional/c1co0
Thursday, May 7, 2015
So, is there anything new now? You ask, and I shall answer. . .
Though often a rhetorical question: Yes, I have made some things that are new and I have made a video about it, so here is the link:
Something else to add, for mother's day I am planning on doing a charcoal drawing of my late step-father as my Mom's Mother's Day gift. I will post a picture up below when I am finished.
Something else to add, for mother's day I am planning on doing a charcoal drawing of my late step-father as my Mom's Mother's Day gift. I will post a picture up below when I am finished.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Gardener Water Bird
Today I have decided to play with Sculptris for a little bit and make a model. I came up with a character of a bird that holds water within its large belly and propels itself through the air not only by fluttering its wings, but also with a large thruster. Because this creature is both biological and mechanic.
If I decide to make this into a more serious project the eyes will have to be added on later.*
If I decide to make this into a more serious project the eyes will have to be added on later.*
Sunday, February 22, 2015
New Things!
Hi guys! Long over due for another blog. So, I have a new url for my website and it is:
Also, if you haven't checked out the newest pieces on my deviantart - please do so! Here are the links to the pieces I have added to my miscellaneous art album for late 2014 - 2015:
Burning the Bird
Play at Graffiti
Girl Looking out of Window
Couple Portrait 1
Master Copy of the Chevelle La Gargola Album Cover:
Abstract Doodle
First Koi Fish
Thinking - The Fox
Urban Warrior
If you have not been able to look at the drawings I made on Cartoon Challenge* - here they are:
Wk 1:
Courage the Cowardly Dog - CRYstal
Archer - Agent Moreno
The Emperor's New Groove - Tahlma
Recess - Bookwormy Crystal
Invader Zim
Adventure Time
Avatar the Last Airbender: (Unfinished - Traditional Lineart)
Futurama - One Eyed Crystal
Wk 9:
Goofy Movie
Wk 11:
Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Cryssy
Also, if you haven't checked out the newest pieces on my deviantart - please do so! Here are the links to the pieces I have added to my miscellaneous art album for late 2014 - 2015:
Burning the Bird
Play at Graffiti
Girl Looking out of Window
Couple Portrait 1
Master Copy of the Chevelle La Gargola Album Cover:
Abstract Doodle
First Koi Fish
Thinking - The Fox
Urban Warrior
If you have not been able to look at the drawings I made on Cartoon Challenge* - here they are:
~Low Quality Pictures~
*Cartoon Challenge - A group of AI graduates and friends of mine decided to take on a drawing challenge where we did a drawing a week of ourselves as a character in a popular animated show.
**Will be updating the drawings to digital works except for the colored pencil pieces, I will leave those the same, but then maybe also add the digital works.
Wk 1:
Courage the Cowardly Dog - CRYstal
Archer - Agent Moreno
The Emperor's New Groove - Tahlma
Recess - Bookwormy Crystal
Invader Zim
Adventure Time
Avatar the Last Airbender: (Unfinished - Traditional Lineart)
Futurama - One Eyed Crystal
Wk 9:
Goofy Movie
Wk 11:
Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Cryssy
Master Copy Speed Painting - Chevelle - La Gargola Album Fall 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
So, I am re-uploading my comics once again, however, 2 of the revisions for one of my comics will probably be uploaded here instead of on DeviantArt. That is only because a friend of mine suggested to upload only one of the revisions before putting up the final revision.
I am still working towards the final revision of this comic, I want it to be good, so it's taking me awhile longer. But eventually I will have it up.
In the mean time I am also working on a couple of digital drawings that I hope I will be posting up soon. So keep looking for my updates.
~ CM
I am still working towards the final revision of this comic, I want it to be good, so it's taking me awhile longer. But eventually I will have it up.
In the mean time I am also working on a couple of digital drawings that I hope I will be posting up soon. So keep looking for my updates.
~ CM
Friday, September 19, 2014
Out of Commission? Not anymore!
I do apologize for the lack of quality in some of my recent posts, however - I have been working on remedying that and will hopefully have my new works posted in a fairly short amount of time.
On that note a lot of exciting things are going on right now, so I should have a lot more work updated and I should have a better camera to take pictures of my traditional work with soon.
So, lots of things are changing. I hope that you continue to follow me and thanks so much for doing so!
On that note a lot of exciting things are going on right now, so I should have a lot more work updated and I should have a better camera to take pictures of my traditional work with soon.
So, lots of things are changing. I hope that you continue to follow me and thanks so much for doing so!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
New Drawing Posts for my Deviantart
I have some late drawings I will be turning in to Cartoon Challenge.
Current drawings:
Futurama Crystal
Water Bender Kurisutaru
It is unfortunate that right now I don't have a better camera (and the charging port for my phone is jammed). I may have to get a new phone or camera soon, so I may be able to remedy that.
Links for my drawings are below. Thanks for following my posts.
Traditional Lineart/Unfinished Recent works:
Goofy Movie - Crystal - Vers1
Futurama - One Eyed Crystal Vers1
Avatar the Last Airbender - Kurisutaru
Rugrats - Crystal
Traditional - Marker:
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Cryssy
Current drawings:
Futurama Crystal
Water Bender Kurisutaru
It is unfortunate that right now I don't have a better camera (and the charging port for my phone is jammed). I may have to get a new phone or camera soon, so I may be able to remedy that.
Links for my drawings are below. Thanks for following my posts.
Traditional Lineart/Unfinished Recent works:
Goofy Movie - Crystal - Vers1
Futurama - One Eyed Crystal Vers1
Avatar the Last Airbender - Kurisutaru
Rugrats - Crystal
Traditional - Marker:
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Cryssy
Thursday, August 14, 2014
My New Video
I will either be posting a video or pictures of scrap drawings/traditional drawings that I have done lately soon.
* Some of the Traditional Media has to be reworked so that the title work fits with the rest of the artwork in progress.*
I will hopefully be working on a lyric video for a random song with the help of an audio engineer friend of mine.
* Some of the Traditional Media has to be reworked so that the title work fits with the rest of the artwork in progress.*
I will hopefully be working on a lyric video for a random song with the help of an audio engineer friend of mine.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Hey guys, I know I haven't updated this blog in a very long time, but I would like you to know that I have been a part of a group called Cartoon Challenge on Deviantart. Check out some of the entries if you would like. It is an exclusive group, so there are only select members and it will probably stay that way, but here is the group page.
Enjoy the eye candy. :)
Click the link below to view:
Enjoy the eye candy. :)
Click the link below to view:
Monday, May 5, 2014
"I have missed one!"
Hello everyone! So sorry for the long wait on my blogs! I thought I had updated this blog as well, but apparently not, so news!
Life after graduation is an ever going process of applications, though words from a wise graduate reverberate in my ears, and so I am currently in the process of also working on work for the 365 Animation Reel Club at The Art Institute of Las Vegas.
The 365 Animation Reel Club is a club for many majors, not just animation, including audio! In-school students and out of school students were encouraged to join to make projects for their final reel.
This being said: I am proudly a part of the 2D team and the 3D team. I will be helping make or draw concepts for the 2D side, and making models for the 3D side.
For this process we all utilize these programs:

For those of you that do not know, the above icons feature the Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk Maya, and Autodesk Z-brush icons.
I am utilizing Pixologic's mini free modeling program called Sculptris to model some of the models as well.
Life after graduation is an ever going process of applications, though words from a wise graduate reverberate in my ears, and so I am currently in the process of also working on work for the 365 Animation Reel Club at The Art Institute of Las Vegas.
The 365 Animation Reel Club is a club for many majors, not just animation, including audio! In-school students and out of school students were encouraged to join to make projects for their final reel.
This being said: I am proudly a part of the 2D team and the 3D team. I will be helping make or draw concepts for the 2D side, and making models for the 3D side.
For this process we all utilize these programs:

For those of you that do not know, the above icons feature the Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk Maya, and Autodesk Z-brush icons.
I am utilizing Pixologic's mini free modeling program called Sculptris to model some of the models as well.
And I'm not positive if we will also be utiilizing Z-Brush for some of the modelling. But I will let you know about that at a later time.
Please know that I may feature our finalized piece(s) at a later time.
I will post some of my recent sketches onto my blogs at a later date as well, but in the mean time - thank-you all so much for checking out my website, blogs, or other media!
Friday, February 28, 2014
2014 New Demo Reel, 30 Second Demo Reel, and Other Videos
Updates, updates, updates!
Motion Graphics Pieces:
Las Vegas Weekly
Flyable Heart Animated Logo
Dream Scape Animated Logo
Ghost Stories Kinetic Typography
And lastly, re-rendering the newest version of my demo reel, plus, a thirty-second version of my demo reel.
Stay tuned!
Motion Graphics Pieces:
Las Vegas Weekly
Flyable Heart Animated Logo
Dream Scape Animated Logo
Ghost Stories Kinetic Typography
And lastly, re-rendering the newest version of my demo reel, plus, a thirty-second version of my demo reel.
Stay tuned!
Friday, February 7, 2014
Progress for Kinetic Type Project and Digital Drawings
Commission drawing for Cornelius Hanneman -
Steampunk - Erotica - Pinup
digital - photoshop January - February 2014
Commission drawing for Cornelius Hanneman -
Steampunk - Erotica - Pinup
Pen - December 2013
Dennis Snyder - Photoshop
December 2013 - February 2014
Ghost Stories - Kinetic Type
Steampunk - Erotica - Pinup
digital - photoshop January - February 2014
Commission drawing for Cornelius Hanneman -
Steampunk - Erotica - Pinup
Pen - December 2013
Dennis Snyder - Photoshop
December 2013 - February 2014
Ghost Stories - Kinetic Type
Monday, January 27, 2014
Just keep on working on...
Other than this I will be helping out with some of D.O.P.E's events, so check out iheartbeatz event on February 15!
Other than this I will be helping out with some of D.O.P.E's events, so check out iheartbeatz event on February 15!
Friday, December 27, 2013
Watch the video for some updates on work (4:59):
Thanks for watching the video! To view any of the other work please check the previous blog!
Thanks for watching the video! To view any of the other work please check the previous blog!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Current Digital Drawings that are in progress!
Alright, since I haven't written a blog in maybe a month or two here are 6 pictures of drawings I am working on, 5 I will be turning into digital drawings over the next 3 months, and one of them (the steampunk, gothica, erotica drawing), I will be leaving as a sketch for awhile, though maybe in a year or so I will make it into a digital drawing at my leisure, I just don't have all of the time in the world to work on digital drawings...So, only so many will be turned into digital drawings....And some may not even make it into the list of digital drawings...(Like my Babboon, 'cuz...I feel like he shouldn't make the list...)
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