Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Updating Galleries

So, updating galleries on my website is somewhat slow going for me since I normally post works that aren't so well made on a normal basis, BUT - I have finally made a piece that I think is fully worthy of going on my website now and maybe once I get done with the others I will be able to even up the amount of images I have on my Digital Drawings gallery with my Traditional drawings!

Links to the new drawing here:

Thursday, May 7, 2015

So, is there anything new now? You ask, and I shall answer. . .

Though often a rhetorical question: Yes, I have made some things that are new and I have made a video about it, so here is the link:


Something else to add, for mother's day I am planning on doing a charcoal drawing of my late step-father as my Mom's Mother's Day gift. I will post a picture up below when I am finished.