The goal remains the same: To blog about the projects that are currently being worked on. About the website: Originally called Tea with the intention of having something for those enjoying their coffee, or "tea," at a random coffee shop, this blog was made to be colored with Green Tea in mind, however the theme then became my Blue Iris Ice Dragon theme, and then after that to Ice Tea, now this. Much cleaner if you ask me. . . ~CM
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I have a lot of work I haven't put up on this website....
Walk Cycle - Principles of Animation
Fire Animation - 3D Animation
Text Animation - 3D Animation
Here's some stopmo for you-it needs some work, but it's not completely bad...Broadcast and Motion Graphics last quarter-Fall 2011.
Some After Effects Animation forom Compostiting Class this quarter Winter 2012.
This is the first animation I've ever done, Summer Studio 2008, I was 17 and I didn't really know too much about animation other than what I read from books about flipbook drawing animations, and what I saw in movies and commercials.
End of Character Ideation Fall 2011:
*I had one week to work on four finals plus an audited class at the end of Fall 2011, so unfortunately the work wasn't where I wanted, but at least you know I tried to hustle with what I could.*
Thursday, November 3, 2011
First Logo Animation on After Effects =:)
Hey guys! For my midterm we had to animate a logo, so I designed my own a couple weeks ago, redid it a couple weeks later, and then finished it today. Here's the end result:
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Character Ideation Assignments + Broadcast and Motion Graphics
This was my 3rd week's assignment, the first one I'm going to get rid of the thick black outlines of the marshmellows and the ledge that the girl jumped off of when she went to kick the dude into the marshmellows, the second one I didn't turn in because I didn't like it (we only needed to turn in 3), the second one was everyone's favorite because they thought it was the coolest, the fourth one I didn't turn in because I thought it was elegant, but not interesting enough. And lastly the fourth one is the improved version of the drawing, but I plan on taking out more black so it's a little clearer.
This is the fourth week's worth of assignments, but I'm going to add more of my robot drawings since I drew more robots than this.

This is the fourth week's worth of assignments, but I'm going to add more of my robot drawings since I drew more robots than this.

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