The goal remains the same: To blog about the projects that are currently being worked on. About the website: Originally called Tea with the intention of having something for those enjoying their coffee, or "tea," at a random coffee shop, this blog was made to be colored with Green Tea in mind, however the theme then became my Blue Iris Ice Dragon theme, and then after that to Ice Tea, now this. Much cleaner if you ask me. . . ~CM
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I have a lot of work I haven't put up on this website....
Walk Cycle - Principles of Animation
Fire Animation - 3D Animation
Text Animation - 3D Animation
Here's some stopmo for you-it needs some work, but it's not completely bad...Broadcast and Motion Graphics last quarter-Fall 2011.
Some After Effects Animation forom Compostiting Class this quarter Winter 2012.
This is the first animation I've ever done, Summer Studio 2008, I was 17 and I didn't really know too much about animation other than what I read from books about flipbook drawing animations, and what I saw in movies and commercials.
End of Character Ideation Fall 2011:
*I had one week to work on four finals plus an audited class at the end of Fall 2011, so unfortunately the work wasn't where I wanted, but at least you know I tried to hustle with what I could.*
Thursday, November 3, 2011
First Logo Animation on After Effects =:)
Hey guys! For my midterm we had to animate a logo, so I designed my own a couple weeks ago, redid it a couple weeks later, and then finished it today. Here's the end result:
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Character Ideation Assignments + Broadcast and Motion Graphics
This was my 3rd week's assignment, the first one I'm going to get rid of the thick black outlines of the marshmellows and the ledge that the girl jumped off of when she went to kick the dude into the marshmellows, the second one I didn't turn in because I didn't like it (we only needed to turn in 3), the second one was everyone's favorite because they thought it was the coolest, the fourth one I didn't turn in because I thought it was elegant, but not interesting enough. And lastly the fourth one is the improved version of the drawing, but I plan on taking out more black so it's a little clearer.
This is the fourth week's worth of assignments, but I'm going to add more of my robot drawings since I drew more robots than this.

This is the fourth week's worth of assignments, but I'm going to add more of my robot drawings since I drew more robots than this.

Monday, October 24, 2011
Character Modeling Assignments so far
Michael Baker's class:
So, just to explain what I and the rest of my classmates had to do, we had to demonstrate our abilities and drag and drop them into this folder he calls the Achievements folder, which is a folder made up of up to 30 or so folders. We get points or prizes or what not for the amount of achievements we achieve. I've done the model of the forearm and hand, the cannon arm, and probably one of the shoulders, unfortunately, I don't have jpg's of them yet, so that I'll have to post up later, but this is what I've done so far in this class.
So, just to explain what I and the rest of my classmates had to do, we had to demonstrate our abilities and drag and drop them into this folder he calls the Achievements folder, which is a folder made up of up to 30 or so folders. We get points or prizes or what not for the amount of achievements we achieve. I've done the model of the forearm and hand, the cannon arm, and probably one of the shoulders, unfortunately, I don't have jpg's of them yet, so that I'll have to post up later, but this is what I've done so far in this class.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Character Ideation Assignments for this quarter!
The 1st week: My top 3 picks
The other two drawings 2 or 3 drawings I had to make:
I made a Jester/Harlequin-like character, but I'll have to add that drawing to this later.
2nd Week:
So, Kevin asked us to use Loomis' heads, and try to match our characters with the heads and this is what I came up with. I personally have trouble with some of the jaws and the face angles don't seem to go with the characters...I'd change the way I'd draw them, but using the refs makes it trickier for me...
We also had to draw a caricature, this is mine:
I had a lot of fun with this caricature, I don't draw in this particular style too often, so I thought it would be fun to take a new route, when I turned the assignment in it didn't quite look like this yet, but this is the better version.
The other two drawings 2 or 3 drawings I had to make:
I made a Jester/Harlequin-like character, but I'll have to add that drawing to this later.
2nd Week:
So, Kevin asked us to use Loomis' heads, and try to match our characters with the heads and this is what I came up with. I personally have trouble with some of the jaws and the face angles don't seem to go with the characters...I'd change the way I'd draw them, but using the refs makes it trickier for me...
We also had to draw a caricature, this is mine:
I had a lot of fun with this caricature, I don't draw in this particular style too often, so I thought it would be fun to take a new route, when I turned the assignment in it didn't quite look like this yet, but this is the better version.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Background and Layout Final
In class we took ideas from this one popular background idea website, grabbed a pic from the internet, modeled out the idea, added details and this was my ending final! No more finals for today, yay! :D
Camera&Layout Final :D
In Camera and Lighting class we each were given a couple of seconds each, we had to match the lighting situation and animation in it as well. This is the youtube video-I was given the seconds between 3:07-3:15. Great project! I plan on putting the clips together and adding the fire to my second scene among other things, if I can... :p I have a week long break afer this week.
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
(This one looks a little different because: 1. It's the playblast. 2. It's got the border around it)
Scene 4
Yayyyy. =:D
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
(This one looks a little different because: 1. It's the playblast. 2. It's got the border around it)
Scene 4
Yayyyy. =:D
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Hard and Organic Surface Modeling
Hard and Organic Surface Modeling! I'm finally on my second to last week of this class and it looks like I'm going to be able to pass! Yayyyy....I'm going to really have to work hard on the Rocky and Bullwinkle model though, I really want that extra credit, wish me luck! :D
Monday, September 12, 2011
Background&Layout plus Camera&Lighting
Hello! So this is the 2nd and 3rd scene for Camera and Lighting final I've been doing, I wasn't able to put up the 1st because, unfortunately, my work got erased meaning I'll have to remake it again and the 4th one I haven't been able to start work on just yet. I used a 3D modeling program called Maya to make 3D models of these scenes, added lights, pictures, and then saved them as jpg's. It took a VERY long time.
This particular jpg is of another model I made in Maya, but it was for another class. It doesn't look like it took a long time, but believe me, I spent hours trying to cut into objects so I could make those arches.
I can't add the Hard and Organic Surface Modeling final I've been making on ZBrush because I don't know how to make jpg's on it yet, but I'm sure I'll be exporting a video about it on Thursday.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
camera&lighting assignment - importing
We imported a model from Google Sketchup, turned it into an obj, and played up the lighting to make it look good, but we had to use a background of Vegas. =:)
Last Assignments for Character Ideation
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett
"The fat man was flabbily fat with bulbous pink cheeks and lips and chins and neck, with a great egg of a belly...and pendant cones for arms and legs. As he advanced to meet Spade all his bulbs rose and shook and fell separately with each step....His eyes, made small by fat puffs around them, were dark and sleek. Dark ringlets thinly covered his broad scalp."
Version 2
"Without the coat, her body had a lean look to it — as if she worked too long, and ate too little or too poorly. Her gloves and tall brown boots were caked with the filth of the plant, and she was wearing pants like a man. Her long, dark hair was piled up and back, but two shifts of labor had picked it apart and heavy strands had scattered, escaping the combs she'd used to hold it all aloft."
I made the fat man the day after I withdrew...I think I'm going to work on stylizing my character drawings more because I haven't drawn cartoon styles in a long time and I think it held me back in class...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Whoot! Got my Camera and Lighting Midterm Done
There's one bounce in the video because I wasn't backed up enough to my liking-I was proud of that window light! That thing took me forevverrrrrrrrrrr.....But hey-I turned all my stuff in before he put in the grades, how's that??? :) (Well, at least I'll fix a couple lighting things anyways, I gotta look at what else I'm missing.....The life of a student!) (vs the life of a worker, man-no comparison, sadly... :/)
Anywho-constructive criticism anyone?
Anywho-constructive criticism anyone?
Alright! Side Projects!!! :D
Kosupure Club/Ai Cosplay Club will be working on a commercial together! We'll probably get some practice with the acting in front of the camera by doing skits, but I and the others will be inputting some stopmo and hopefully other forms of video animation like (what was it? Silhouette-mation?) Hopefully we'll get good stuff to put on our demo reels!
Stephanie Leyva, Ana Barrerra, me, Jordan Quispe, and Kristal Atkins (graphic design), will be working on a different video. We have the story line down and will start practicing with some things (pvc pipe, pole/solid wood broomstick, butterfly knives), and hopefully in a year we hope to have something for the Dam Short Film Festival. (Which, I'm sure Tymothy Salmon will have something for-maybe-he usually does a lot of film stuff-that guy's so busy!)
Fun stuff!
On another note, I'm working character sheets for a different club dealing with comics!!! :D Yayyyyy... :p
Stephanie Leyva, Ana Barrerra, me, Jordan Quispe, and Kristal Atkins (graphic design), will be working on a different video. We have the story line down and will start practicing with some things (pvc pipe, pole/solid wood broomstick, butterfly knives), and hopefully in a year we hope to have something for the Dam Short Film Festival. (Which, I'm sure Tymothy Salmon will have something for-maybe-he usually does a lot of film stuff-that guy's so busy!)
Fun stuff!
On another note, I'm working character sheets for a different club dealing with comics!!! :D Yayyyyy... :p
1st Year Portfolio Demo Reel
Hey guys! I just had my 1st Review with Ken Cioe, Randolf Dimalanta, Kevin Anderson, Rocky Bright, and Dennis Crawford!
My things to work on:
(My constant problems)
Learning 3D Modeling programs (so I can animate later in both 2D and 3D =:D )
This was the reel that I used:
And this is the reel that I had some 2 or 3 days ago:
My things to work on:
(My constant problems)
Learning 3D Modeling programs (so I can animate later in both 2D and 3D =:D )
This was the reel that I used:
And this is the reel that I had some 2 or 3 days ago:
Friday, August 12, 2011
Background and Layout-Randolf's class
Finding Nemo scene with sharks \/
Vampire scenic background - ex: Batman and Robin cartoon
Midterm project progression-
Almost finished! I will be animating this 'cuz it's actually a rolling background :) Coming along right?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
About the Chrysalis
My high school had a magazine called the Chrysalis, every single year students would make submissions about whatever poetry, short story, short comic, drawing, or photograph they wanted to put into the magazine. Ever since I left high school and have come to this school I've wondered why our college doesn't have something like that, it's hard to get hyped up about nothing, though, and I figured, putting up photo images of the 3 high school magazines I have up somehow would help expand the minds of the students at school. I'm not sure it'll work, but I would really love to see a magazine like that go up, I think our school's students need it, actually. Also, there could be awards-the cover designer that designed the cover for the cover of my high school was high school student artwork-it got picked out of a series of other design covers, and this was done every single year. Maybe we could incorporate something at the Art Institute that my high school did with their fine arts dessert night-letting students that win work with a graphic designer.
I hope that someday within the next couple of years we can get something like this started. It seems like something that would benefit the students a lot, it would be a college magazine.
I hope that someday within the next couple of years we can get something like this started. It seems like something that would benefit the students a lot, it would be a college magazine.
Some middle school, high school, and college art work
I was 14 when I drew this...I like Jokers and I'll probably work on more drawings like this in the future.
As an assignment for Advanced Art we were asked to do a poster about people with disabilities for an organization. The bottom poster was the one poster I did that was included among 5 other people's posters for my school's large Fine Arts Dessert Night event. The people with the "winning designs" got a $50 Dick Blick gift certificate and worked with a graphic designer. I chose to go with the poster that the graphic designer and I worked on because it was more refined, but I wish I'd chosen my original design and tweaked it a little more since...that was my work. But! I was proud to get picked and I learned some things from working with him. I'll have to add the graphic designer's name in later, but it was a great experience.
I should've lightned my face because when the postcards and the posters were printed my face was almost black, I think that's something that's hard to control sometimes though....But I don't know what your opinions of it would be.
These are Illustrations I made for my high school news paper - I was almost too late! (ooh-thank goodness Mrs. Carter let me turn that in.)-fun project!
For my AP Portfolio- high school, my teacher's favorite.
Drawing and Perspective Assignment - (Chris Desmarais' class)
Paint - Correl Painter 1st assignment-Master Copy (Sheffield Abella's class)
Sack Falling - Principles of Animation - Ken Cioe's class [I have yet to get that sig from him for my Anastasia vhs vid...*making a note of that*]
Sack Falling
As an assignment for Advanced Art we were asked to do a poster about people with disabilities for an organization. The bottom poster was the one poster I did that was included among 5 other people's posters for my school's large Fine Arts Dessert Night event. The people with the "winning designs" got a $50 Dick Blick gift certificate and worked with a graphic designer. I chose to go with the poster that the graphic designer and I worked on because it was more refined, but I wish I'd chosen my original design and tweaked it a little more since...that was my work. But! I was proud to get picked and I learned some things from working with him. I'll have to add the graphic designer's name in later, but it was a great experience.
I should've lightned my face because when the postcards and the posters were printed my face was almost black, I think that's something that's hard to control sometimes though....But I don't know what your opinions of it would be.
The Chrysalis was my high school's literary magazine, which actually featured a lot of artwork ranging from photography, drawings, and digital drawings.
Chrysalis cover design 2006-2007
Chrysalis Cover Design 2007-2008
Chrysalis Cover Design 2007-2008
The Advanced and AP Art Students enrolled into the Reno Film Festival flyer/poster/billboard design contest, this was my entry, although the letters are askew.
My high school also allowed students to make designs for the course offering book listing the high school courses. This is one of my more favored designs.
This was the pamphlet/brochure design I worked on, the picture of the girl is of my friend from high school, and the rest of the pictures I got from the internet-no they are not my work and I don't remember the websites, but the design of the brochure is what I was focusing on.
This was the flyer design I worked on for the Baccalaureate ceremony, we didn't have a baccalaureate program for us high school students that attended McQueen high school at 2009, I doubt we have one, but we did have a ceremony for the graduates other than the graduation ceremony itself.
Whoot! I got a plaque! Nevada Credit Union wanted student work on their calendars, the idea was fun things kids/people/families could do during those months, it was really month-activity related.
These are Illustrations I made for my high school news paper - I was almost too late! (ooh-thank goodness Mrs. Carter let me turn that in.)-fun project!
For my AP Portfolio- high school, my teacher's favorite.
One of my favorites-I drew this from a really old memory of mine...I was maybe 7 or 8 years old.
4 of the college pieces that's not in my 1st yr portfolio demo reel that I really like:
Advanced Digital Imaging Midterm (Paul Thens class)
Drawing and Perspective Assignment - (Chris Desmarais' class)
Paint - Correl Painter 1st assignment-Master Copy (Sheffield Abella's class)
Paint class - Correl Painter/Photoshop- Assignment-coloring something we found on the internet or from a movie [I picked the main actress from Mirror Mask] (Sheffield Abella's class)
Typography Assignment - we had to pick some kind of topic that had to do with being against something like medicare or drugs. (Chris Desmarais' class)
Sack Falling
Lol | Myspace Video
6 years of time and still learning! =:D
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